
What We’re Reading: January 2016

29 January 2016
What We’re Reading: January 2016

Chris Cable
Recently, after signing up for a webinar with speaker and client service executive Robert Solomon, I found his book, The Art of Client Service. Client services is not just about winning business; its more about creating valuable relationships. In biology, we call it symbiosis—how we live together. Yes, the book talks about budgets, creative briefs and more, but I’ll simplify it and say his book is training me to be a psychologist, orchestra conductor and lion tamer.

Kristen Halverson
Recently, I read Living with Complexity. The book teaches that simplicity is not the solution to complexity. With consumers’ demand for more function in smartphones or more features in websites, simplicity seems like a pipe dream. The author, Donald A. Norman, dives into our complex world and discusses consumer psychology. He also points out the poorly designed products we see every day and walks the reader through the products’ human-centered redesign.

Brandon Rochelle
Even well-established companies need a constant commitment to innovation to thrive. To stay ahead of the game, I’m currently reading Zero to One and The Effective Executive. Balancing the best of start-up culture, its ongoing needs and incremental improvements of the day-to-day takes patience and practice. These books give me a look at other industries, helping me to hone my own craft while learning about the similar challenges and solutions of others.