Remastered Series

Client :Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development

In an industry that prides itself on success by the metrics, TNECD wanted to showcase the culture behind the craft of talented and innovative Tennesseans to establish a new level of creativity for economic and workforce development. They asked us to explore what it is about the state that produces the multitude of iconic brands, craftspeople, and legendary characters for which we are known.


There is a resurgence of the American Dream in the South. Some say it’s an inherent dedication to craft and perseverance. The South will tell you it’s a simple way of life. But what was it that caused this renaissance of culture and craft in our faithful state?

The pursuit of passion drives our makers to create strong brands that embody what Tennessee brings to the world stage. This rich history, the abundance of legendary craftspeople and iconic brands and the need to compel like-minded individuals to join Tennesseeans in this pursuit created an excellent opportunity to better tell our story.


As the state continues to be rediscovered by the rest of the country, we use a narrative approach to explore the underlying characteristics and characters behind the culture. This rich and provocative brand exploration compels brands who share our state’s culture and commitment to craft, to consider remastering their own future success by finding their place in Tennessee.

We took a more personal narrative approach to convey something intangible about innovation from an economic storytelling perspective. Developing and producing an episodic limited series about the connection between Tennesseans and their ability to do something different invited viewers to recognize and experience the value these brands contribute to the economy and culture. We broke through the mindset that only numerical costs and metrics are important to our economy by emphasizing the meaning behind the craft, the brand, and the maker.

Fresh off the success of Tennessee Uncharted, we took the opportunity to use long-form branded content to highlight Tennessee brands and their global significance on a deeper emotional level. Each episode touches on the advantages state organizations have access to, bringing the audience into an entertaining and informative space. Through the eyes of key stakeholders, we examined the cultural influences behind the craft. This love letter to Tennessee culture and the legends who are from here was a fascinating and authentic strategy to inspire brands to come to Tennessee.

Emmy-Award Winning Series
ADDY Awards for Series, Branding and Print
Now Streaming on Amazon Prime
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Watch Remastered to experience the cinematic story behind your favorite brands.

Jack Daniels Rye Whiskey

“Remastered is a love letter to Tennessee culture and the legends who are from here.”

Joseph Nother
Joseph Nother
Principal, Exec, Creative Director, Founder
Remastered posters
Remastered website
Remastered mobile

Show website and social marketing.

The people who made it happen.
  • Joseph Nother
    Chief Creative Officer, Co-CEO
  • Kate Ambos
    VP, Client Services
  • Ben Maxey
    Art Director, Lead Motion
  • Hunter W. Foster
    VP, Media & Communications
  • Brad Carpenter
    VP, Engagement Marketing