
Designsensory named to the 2013 Inc. 5000 List

27 August 2013
Designsensory named to the 2013 Inc. 5000 List

I’m thrilled to announce the inclusion of Designsensory on the Inc. 5000 List as one of the fastest-growing, private companies in the US. We are among 80 Tennessee companies, including 24 based in East Tennessee.

Designsensory’s success comes from a passionate, super-talented team and our collaboration with strong clients and brands. Brands and businesses continue to invest in digital-centric marketing, beautiful design, relevant content and smart technology to engage customers and find new audiences. When they do, they invest in their future as well as a relationship with Designsensory.

We believe continued commitment to our client-partnerships will ensure future growth and success not only for us but for the brands we help market. Entering our 12th year in business, we look forward to a bright future as we move ever onward.

A deep thanks is due to friends and families who have supported us all along the way and continue to inspire the way we think, feel and create.

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