
Designsensory joins Southeast Tourism Society

29 April 2015
Designsensory joins Southeast Tourism Society

With a history of working with tourist destinations, government agencies, attractions and events, it made sense for Designsensory to become a member of the Southeast Tourism Society.  

Founded in 1983, the Southeast Tourism Society is made up of state travel offices, attractions, lodging properties, resorts, convention and visitor bureaus, chambers of commerce, travel media and other travel-related organizations.

STS is dedicated to improving the economic vitality of the region by uniting all segments of the travel and tourism Industry, sharing resources, fostering cooperation, providing continuing education and promoting tourism within and to member states. 

Designsensory’s Paula Solomon and Melanie Beauchamp attended the 2015 Spring Symposium in Charlotte from March 29 through April 1. 

“It was great networking with other members of STS while learning from top leaders in the industry,” said Solomon. “We look forward to getting more involved in the organization and creating strong partnerships.”

Known for providing professional development, networking, advocacy and recognition programs, Southeast Tourism Society offers multiple opportunities for businesses to get involved each year during the Spring Symposium, Congressional Summit, Marketing College and Fall Forum.