
A Merry Time for Our Designsensory Team

22 December 2014
A Merry Time for Our Designsensory Team

When we’re not busy branding and designing, writing and reaching out with PR, coding, shooting a TV series and setting the world on fire, what do we do? At the special season of Christmas, no matter how busy life as we know it is, we celebrate each other. We spend most of our waking moments with our coworkers, and we like to celebrate these other “significant others” with an event that embraces the whole Designsensory family.

Public Relations and Media Specialist Casey Self spearheaded the get-together, organizing a Secret Santa gift exchange and potluck signups. We saw the list fill up with such goodies as Melanie’s lasagna (a remarkable, delicious homage to her late grandmother’s recipe), roasted brussels sprouts a la AlisonBrandon’s creme brulee and Michael’s home brews. Underneath the tree filled up with gifts big and small, wrapped with such designer detail a gogo, we wondered if Santa himself hadn’t stopped by.

Four-thirty came soon enough on the big day. From ovens upstairs and down, tantalizing goodness wafted throughout the orange-red DS studio. DSers tore themselves away from laptops and desktops and joined the procession, ferrying piping hot dishes, picture-perfect salads and cheese plates, chilly libations and sweets galore to tempt every palate. Grateful grazing gave way to another quick downstairs-up sashay of Secret Santa gifts, from under the tree to giggling gifters and getters, led by Joseph and his band of merry elves. After a chorus of “Who gave me this?” all secrets were revealed to lucky, happy recipients. 

It’s a good thing to take time to celebrate each other, and to create new warm glow moments. Take a peek at the party.

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