Isabella Cornaby

Isabella Cornaby

Media Manager
Isabella’s motivation and passion for media and marketing make her a perfect fit at Designsensory.

Favorite quote

“Failing to plan is planning to fail”


Isabella, a graduate from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, has extensive digital marketing experience and an interest in traditional media buying. After changing her major from supply chain to marketing during her sophomore year, Isabella realized her attention to detail and result-oriented work style fit perfectly with her enthusiasm toward marketing. With a mixture of introverted and extroverted work tendencies, Isabella is comfortable working in a group setting and on her own.

Isabella has held two consecutive digital marketing positions at two automotive specific companies. When deciding to join the team, Isabella became hooked on our company culture and fast paced environment. She knew that she wanted to experience agency life, especially at an organization like DS that is devoted to the support and development of all of our team members. Isabella loves taking online courses and completing certifications in order to stay up to date on the latest practices. We are lucky to have Isabella, her motivation and passion for craft on our team.

Outside of Work:

As a self declared fitness enthusiast, Isabella constantly exercises and sets out for hikes around the area. With a region as beautiful as Appalachia, how could you not? She also loves a caffeine boost to keep her energy high, and constantly experiments with new coffee shops and recipes. To go along with her delicious coffee creations, Isabella enjoys baking (a hobby that we hope shows up in the office kitchen from time to time!).